GURPC: Adventurers Wanted

For the past three years, students have stormed castles and traveled through time while participating in the DHS club called GURPC. Dawn Moulthrop has been the adviser for the past years, encouraging high school students to attend and reach into their creative side.

“We meet every week of the school year except for vacations and exam days,” Moulthrop said.

Often times, the role-playing activities revolve around historic generations with castles, dragons, knights, and damsels in distress. But the variety doesn’t end there. There are present day scenarios too with improv games. With improv, there is a given topic, setting, and group to present with. Then, it is up to the presenter’s creative mind and skills to present a scene to those watching.

People involved are very enthusiastic about the program. They meet every Tuesday after sixth hour. When people ask Moulthrop questions about the club, she has a ‘come and find out’ kind of attitude.

“You should stop by and interview the Dungeon Master,” Moulthrop said to encourage people to come.

There is a good place for everyone at DHS and having this club established gives some students the comfort that they need being surrounded by people with similar interests and role playing to their hearts’ content.

If you have questions about the club, email adviser Dawn Moulthrop at:


Brinli Leonhardt

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