Spirit Days and Homecoming Announcements

With homecoming approaching, DHS students are expecting a spirit week. There will be a White Out on Tuesday Oct. 1, Wednesday is Meme/Vine Day, Thursday is Destination Day with freshman in Dallas, sophomores in Orlando, juniors in New York, and seniors in Honolulu. 

“They sent out a survey last year and they use the results and created a calendar,” social studies teacher Alex Karapas said.

On Wednesday Oct. 2, there will be the first annual school sanctioned Powderpuff game at the Midland Community Stadium at 7:30 PM. You can contact Michelle Charles or Sydney Johnson if you have questions or concerns.

On Thursday Oct. 3, the Homecoming Parade will take place on Perrine Road starting at 4:15 PM. Band, pom, cheer and many other groups will participate in the parade as well as the homecoming court nominees.

On Friday Oct. 4, during 6th hour, there will be a homecoming assembly. Later that night at 7 PM, there is a home varsity football game against Saginaw High School. During half time, the homecoming court will walk on the field and the king and queen will be announced. 

“You should expect an amazing band to perform, pom will be performing, cheer will be performing,” Karapas said. “We’ll also have candy, I think we’re going to be throwing out some beads and shirts this year. I think we are going to try and do a game to try and get more students to get involved.”

Saturday Oct. 5, is the Homecoming dance itself, starting at 7 PM and lasting  until 10 PM. The dance will be in the Dow High cafeteria.

Katie Ramos

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