As of the 2016-2017 school year there will be more than one Poole here at DHS. Steve Poole has been chosen to take the place of Pam Kastl next year as principal, and it seemed to be a good idea to learn more about him for those who don’t know about his background and plans for DHS. Poole is an East Jordan native and went to their high school, East Jordan High School. There he was extremely involved, for he was student council president his senior year, a member of NHS, SADD, and participated in two plays all while playing varsity baseball for all four years, being on varsity football for three years, and varsity basketball for his junior and senior years.
After graduating as valedictorian, Poole attended the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor majoring in Engineering. His time at U of M did not last long; he said that he did not enjoy the experience. He transferred to CMU and received his Bachelor of Science in Social Science and History for teaching in 1996. In 2000, Poole gained a Master’s Degree in Principalship from CMU and in 2015 a Doctor in Education degree, also from CMU.
“I had always wanted to be an educator,” Poole said. “I was talked out of it by some of my high school teachers because they thought I should be an engineer because of my math and science scores.”
Poole enjoys spending time with his wife, Tracey, and two children, Madison, who is soon to be 11, and Jackson, who is almost 13.
“I love attending Great Lakes Loons games with my family,” Poole said. “We have had half season tickets for all ten years. My daughter, Madison, and I take a walk around the stadium after the third inning of every game we are there. We enjoy going to the movies as well. My wife and I try to see 2-3 music concerts a year and we never miss Jimmy Buffett when he is in Michigan.”
Poole knows that some people think his size is a bit intimidating, so he tries to tone it down by being humorous around the students. By doing this, he makes himself more approachable and makes sure the students know that they can come to him with any concerns without being scared or nervous. He makes eye contact and gives his undivided attention when he is having a conversation.
“I think my impact will be my visibility and accessibility with students and staff,” Poole said. “I will always have an open door policy for anyone.” He believes that will help DHS become an even better school.
Poole has been at Jefferson for three years. He is going to miss being at Jefferson but is looking forward to what Dow High has to offer. “There is a trust and loyalty among people when you work together for some time,” Poole said. “The teachers are great, the office staff is great, the paraprofessionals are great, the students are great. Yet, I know that the students will soon be at Dow High School soon as well.”
Poole is going to miss the people at Jefferson the most. “There are some teachers here that I’ve worked with for six years because they were also at Central and then they came with me when Central closed,” Poole said. “I’ll miss those people and I’ll miss even the people that I’ve come to meet in the last three years, I’ve got to know them pretty well.”
When a situation like this occurs where a school is going to receive a new principal, several students cling to the idea that they are going to modify the school’s routine. Many times people are afraid, unsure and worried when it comes change. “I would like to think common sense would tell you that you don’t have to fix what’s not broken,” Poole said. He wants to get to know all the students and staff members before he jumps in and tries to enforce change, it doesn’t seem logical to him to do so.
Overall, Poole is the average 6’5 guy who has good intentions and a smile walking into DHS.
By: Hadley Morden and Logan Rivard