At the beginning of the school year, Chelsea Berg walked into DHS a student, she now leaves every day as a teacher.
She student taught with Kimberly Outinen for the first semester of the 2015-2016 school year.
“I don’t think I could have had a better experience because she had the two different classes, but I also liked that she was so involved in school spirit and stuff,” Berg said about student teaching with Outinen.
Berg majored in History and also had a degree in English from Saginaw Valley State University.
“The main challenge was that I came into teaching classes that I’m not certified to teach, so I’m having to think back to when I took the classes in high school,” Berg said when talking about her challenges.
Berg is currently teaching fourth hour biology with Melinda Plaugher, fifth hour lifelong, and sixth hour geoscience with Charles Stinson.
“The best part about being a teacher is basically everything,” Berg said. “The worst part is there’s not much of an age gap between the students [and myself], but that will go away.”
Bergs favorite part of teaching is when students have that “ah-ha” moment and something they have been covering finally sinks in.
“It makes me happy for them, but it is also really satisfying to me as it shows that I did my job,” Berg said. “When I am teaching History, I also really enjoy getting to share information about topics that I am really passionate about with my students.”
By Anikka Thorson
I think this story was really interesting. Before I read this, I thought that Mrs. Berg was just a substitute teacher. I found that the story’s lead really drew me into the story. The title also really drew me towards this story. I thought that this story was written really well and informational.
I really enjoyed this story on Ms.Berg and more information on her. She was always just a student teacher to me but now that she is becoming part of the Dow High staff and is also my new bio teacher, it is really cool that she got a story written about her.
I really liked this story because many kids like me don’t know that she took over all these classes. You could expand on her student teaching experience and maybe get a quote from Mrs. Outinen to provide more information. Overall I thought it was really good and I really like the title!