History teachers give study tips for students

For some students, history is a topic more difficult than others. There’s just so much information packed into one unit. So many names, dates, and events that it sometimes can feel impossible to keep up with it all. DHS teachers in the social studies department have some advice for students trying to succeed in social studies.

“It’s not possible to identify all the information,” history teacher Ric Shahin said.

Some of Shahin’s most important tips for students were to keep their information organized and study events that caused a chain reaction or lead into each other. Another history teacher, David Hammond, also insisted that students focus on key information that teachers bring up or that appear often in classwork.

“You should always revisit the information several times,” history teacher Kimberly Outinen said.

She said that the more a student studies information and repeats it, the easier it is to learn it. She also suggested mind tricks, rhymes, making a song out of it, and other types of mnemonic devices.

“It’s also important to ask your teacher questions to better understand the topic,” Outinen said.

Hammond agreed.

Studying for history classes or any other classes involving large amounts of information to memorize can be difficult. These were some of the tips that the teachers gave to help out and hopefully made the experience a little easier. 

For further information, feel free to contact any of these teachers at their emails.

Kimberly Outinen: OutinenKP@midlandps.org

David Hammond: HammondDA@midlandps.org

Ric Shahin: ShahinRP@midlandps.org

Annie Kidder

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