Whole foods for whole nutrition

Recently, there have been countless diet trends taking over America’s plates. From gluten- or dairy-free to organic to paleo and vegan, the myriad of nutrition plans all claiming to grant you perfect health can be overwhelming. But in the midst of all the hype, one type of eating style seeks to return people to simple eating habits that may even reverse some of the most deadly diseases we face as a nation.

The concept of a whole foods plant-based diet was a lifelong topic of study for Dr. T. Colin Campbell and Dr. Thomas M. Campbell. They published The China Study in 2005, which summarized their findings that eating a diet rich in whole plant foods (fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes), sans animal products and processed ingredients, can help prevent cancer and even reverse heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

Some people do have reservations about losing important nutrients found in animal foods, like protein and calcium.

“I think a vegetarian diet can be healthier, as long as a person substitutes in extra protein that they aren’t getting from animal foods,” senior Murphy Stadelmaier said.

While it may not be totally feasible for everyone to completely cut out animal foods, the health benefits of adding more unprocessed plants into a person’s diet are definitely worth consideration. For more information about a whole foods plant based diet, click here.

By Rachel Reardon

Rachel Reardon

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