2015-2016 Rotary Exchange participants learn host country

At the end of January, participants in the Rotary Exchange Program of the Midland Rotary Club were given their host country for the duration of their exchange. Students involved in this exchange will travel to a foreign country for one year, during which they will attend school and live with different families to gain a greater understanding of the culture. Participants depart in August 2015 and return in August 2016.

“The way the Rotary program works is you are given a list of about 40 countries and you have to rank them from one to 40, one being your most wanted choice,” sophomore Maddy Futter said.

Futter is just one of the many MPS students participating in the Rotary Exchange program.

“After a lot of work and researching I set up my country list,” Futter said. “France was my top choice because I am in my third year of French class. Other choices on my list were Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, and Sweden.”

In the past, DHS students have traveled to Thailand, Germany, Finland, and the Czech Republic.

“On January 23 I found out that I was going to France, but I don’t know until March-ish where in France I am going to,” Futter said. “I’m really looking forward to the new people and places I will be able to visit. I can’t wait for the Euro-trip we do with Rotary so I can visit all the other countries that luckily are all close together in Europe.”

More information about the Rotary Exchange Program can be found at here 

Maddy Adams

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