The Effects of Senioritis

There comes a point in every senior’s life when they no longer have the mental capacity to care about school. This breaking point marks the beginning of senioritis, a syndrome of exhaustion, inability to do homework, and lack of motivation regarding high school classes. Some begin strides towards senioritis early, disregarding their classwork and simply hoping everything turns out okay.

I wasn’t an early bloomer regarding senioritis, but now heading into my second semester of senior year, I believe my time to shine has come. No longer will I spend backbreaking hours taking notes or staring at study guides on my computer screen. I will not be a victim to late night cram sessions or extra credit. I have passed caring about that.

I know that I am not the first senior to fall to this syndrome, and I doubt I will be the last. But the important thing is that I’ve made it this far, and graduation gets closer and closer each day. It’s time for me to make the most of my high school experience that I have left, and not stress.

I’m ready to make the transition to a second semester senior. I maintain a genuine respect for all of my teachers, and will continue to give my effort during class. However, outside of class will be reserved only for fun, as these next few months will be my last with my friends here.

By Jordan Reid

Jordan Reid

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