In early May and June, schools from all over the state are releasing their seniors for their summer vacations. MPS decided to release the seniors of Midland County on May 31, 2013. Some of the seniors of DHS believe that being in school to May 31 is wasting their time.
“We’re not doing anything in any of my classes except sitting around,” senior Olivia Kwiatkowski-Martin said.
Martin sits in class and does busy work in almost all of her classes.
“The seniors aren’t preparing for anything,” Kwiatkowski-Martin said. “All the other students are preparing for finals; we have no reason to be here.”
Senior Tommy Hall believes that going to class the last month of school is pointless and that seniors should get out a month early.
“Everyone is gone for AP testing and you sleep all the time,” Hall said. “[The seniors] should be done with school and worry about their own [AP and IB] testing.”
Senior Chris Tae agrees with Hall and believes that the seniors should get out a month early too.
“My friends from Troy do that and they’ve been done with school for a month,” Tae said.
Junior Jessica McNeal believes that it doesn’t matter when the last day of school for the seniors is and that the seniors will still feel the same way about the last day of school.
“Even if you push the date back to the last day of school, there will still be that pointless work that the seniors have to do,” McNeal said.
The DHS seniors of 2013 are approaching their summer break and they are continuing to go to school until Friday, May 31.