“The Secret Garden” rehearsals begin

The spring musical has officially been cast and is diving deep into rehearsals for “The Secret Garden” as the new year begins. The cast began music rehearsals before winter break but have now transitioned into blocking rehearsals. 

The way that Mr. Gardner blocks is we initially just get our stage directions before we actually go into actually running it and putting in the emotion and more of the acting into it so right now,” junior Maggie Smith said. “He’s basically telling us where to go and where to be when we say what lines.”

While memorizing lines and learning music is important to the process of putting a show together, blocking is just as important, if not more so. According to Smith, actors could not put a good show together without first blocking it out. 

It’s extremely important because if no one knows where to go and what to do, everyone’s going to be in each other’s way,” Smith said. “Also, once we get the blocking down and stuff it gives the tech people cues and stuff for lighting and sound.” 

Rehearsals run from now until the show opens in March.

Molly Birch

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