IB Spanish students learning about immigration through guest speakers

The weeks of March 2 and March 9, IB Spanish students have been given the opportunity to listen to immigrants talk about their experiences migrating to the U.S. On March 3, substitute teacher Jorge Parodi discussed his migration from Peru. He talked about issues around stereotypes that immigrants face in the U.S. He went on to further explain differences between a melting pot and salad bowl integration of different cultures.

Sophomore Laura Leiti shared her thoughts on the presentation. “Until you actually know the stories, you can’t actually know what’s happening in other people’s lives and it also kind of destroys stereotypes because you see that there’s all these different stories and all these actual people with different wants, needs and reasons for migration and immigration,” Leiti said. 

In the upcoming weeks IB Spanish students will hear from two other guest speakers and learn about their journey of migration.

For more information on some of the issues Parodi discussed check out this link: https://www.cglearn.it/mysite/civilization/american-culture/a-story-of-immigration/melting-pot-or-salad-bowl/

Hannah Kilbride

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