United, but no nation

Model United Nations (MUN) is an educational simulation in which students learn about diplomacy and international relations. The basic idea is that students sign up to represent a specific country and discuss a topic to try to find a solution to that specific international crisis. DHS Model United Nations started up again on Wednesday, Oct. 23. But conflicting schedules and snowy days could send this club on a downward spiral.

The club may be at risk due to weather and scheduling.

“We did not have enough meetings,” sophomore Will Gandy said. “All of our meetings fell on snow days.” 

The Oakland conference is scheduled for March 27 and 28, which goes into MPS spring break. 

“I think [spring break] will affect how many people go,” Gandy said.

The DHS MUN team is run under the direction of economics teacher Amy Bushey and senior Lillian Pressnell-Manceau, who has won a number of awards. 

“I think we’re seeing improvement,” Bushey said. “Two years ago, she took second place at Oakland, and we’ve never placed before.”

Lillian won Best Delegate at Oakland last year.


Samuel Baker

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