New DHS tradition rises

Captain Spirit was introduced in the fall of the 2019-2020 school year. Captain Spirit will carry spirit throughout Midland Dow week and potentially other games in upcoming years. The current leaders are two juniors: Griffin Chapman and Marshall McGaugh.

“We spent some time creating our persona, and making our costumes and doing all that stuff, learning cheers because we were on the track for the Midland Dow game with cheer,” Chapman said.

So far, the plan is that Chapman and McGaugh will continue to be Captain Spirit throughout their 2020-2021 senior year. 

The formulation of this idea was abrupt and the idea came up at the very beginning of the school year. Originally, Chapman was going to be the only one to do it, but then McGaugh was added to the equation. 

The new Captain Spirit tradition will be passed down during the next Midland Dow assembly.

Katie Ramos

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