The DHS Varsity pom pon team has supported the DHS varsity football team from the sideline at both home games, and the away game this past week against John Glenn High School. At the home game on Friday, Sept. 13, pom performed at halftime with the band, dancing to Cardi B’s “I Like It”. Pom will be performing at several other events throughout the year, which has many of the pom team members excited.
“The girls are really fun and the atmosphere is really good,” junior Tess Streibel said. “I’m really looking forward to competition season which is in the winter, because then we have regionals, MPA, and states.”
Nearer in the future, pom will have a performance at the homecoming assembly, where they will dance in a routine to the song “Sax” by Fleur East, as well as starting high kick.
The pom team will be performing at the rivalry game assembly and on the field at halftime with MHS on October 25.
For additional information on the varsity football game, check out this story.

Photo by Austin Urlaub