Future MPS High School Graduation Ceremonies

Students, teachers, family members and more have been crowded in a small, hot gym for past graduation ceremonies. MPS superintendent Michael Sharrow sent out an email to everyone on the distribution list with the office announcement on Feb. 23 regarding future graduation ceremony regulations.

Over the years, Sharrow has received multiple requests from parents and others to change the ceremony customs.

“I suggested two years ago [that changing customs should be considered] and the principals were not in favor of it, that has changed now,” Sharrow said via email.

Reasons for changing the location include the limited space of the high school gyms, the excess heat of the gyms, some families have children graduating at different schools, and bleachers that are uncomfortable and unsafe and for elders attending.

In the Communique that Sharrow released he listed that the “venue is too small, which allows graduates too few tickets for family & friends.”

However, venue choices are extremely limited given the amount of attendees.

No venue in Midland would be able to hold the number of people we need without limiting tickets except Dow Diamond and Midland Public Schools Community Stadium,” Sharrow said.

Changes would take effect starting with the 2018 graduation ceremonies. Students would still receive diplomas at their attending high school and the building would be available for pictures. Results of the survey will be concluded by the end of this week. The high school administrative staff, MPS Administrative staff, and MPS Board of Education will be making the decision of where/when the ceremonies will be held at will be made in the spring or summer of 2017.

By: Sophie Baus

Sophie Baus

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