Freshmen find spots on varsity teams

42758_5d6d8a676501465986ef0f601d2979edThis school year at DHS there are more than 10 freshmen on all varsity sports teams.

Chris Kerber, Kathryn Altes, and Andrey Hofius are all freshmen who have been on or currently participate a varsity sports team. Hofius was on the boys varsity soccer team, Altes is on the varsity girls softball team, and Kerber is on the varsity cross-country.

Altes, Kerber, and Hofius all said that one or more of their teammates had reached out to them giving them advice about being on a varsity sport as a freshman. Kerber and Hofius both said that the coach had reached out to them individually.

All three students get along with their teammates. Hofius and Kerber all said that people do treat them differently. Even though Hofius said that he hasn’t really gotten special treatment because he’s a freshman, he does feel that he has been treated differently because of his grade and age. Kerber said that students sometimes mess with him.

They have never been pressured to do something they didn’t want to do by their older teammates. Altes said if she could change anything about her team or teammates, she wouldn’t change anything. Kerber says that he and his teammates are a family. He said his teammates have been very supportive and nice.

Altes, Kerber, and Hofius all said that they had never wanted to quit and they have never wished they had made JV instead of varsity.

Hofius said he thought freshman didn’t make varsity sports teams. So when he made varsity boys soccer as the only freshman, he was very excited. When Altes made the varsity softball team, she said it was very exciting.

At the beginning of the school year, Hofius didn’t have very many friends. Being on a varsity sport helped him to build confidence in friends. Being on the varsity team has helped Altes feel more confident playing softball. Kerber said that being on varsity cross-country has been a great experience.

Hofius said he does, in fact, get intimidated by the older students on his team. He said that he feels that he has to impress the older students on his team to be accepted by them. That thought keeps Hofius motivated. Altes said that she feels that she doesn’t have to work hard to impress the older students on her varsity team. Kerber said that he feels he sometimes has to work hard to impress his older teammates but it’s more of a personal goal for him.

Altes said that freshmen should work hard, do their best, and be confident while on a varsity team. Hofius said that any incoming freshman should work hard and go beyond any doubts they have to make a varsity sports team.

Hofius said that he will continue to play soccer for Dow High next year.

Altes said the hardest thing about being on a varsity team as a freshman is being the youngest on the team and not knowing as much as her other teammates. For Kerber, he felt there was a learning curve because he went straight to a varsity sport.

Even though Altes, Hofius, and Kerber all said that they like being on a varsity team, they do sometimes get treated differently because of their age and grade.

By: Sophie Baus

Sophie Baus

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5 thoughts on “Freshmen find spots on varsity teams

  1. Anikka Thorson April 19, 2016 at 7:49 am

    Its a good story, but I’d add some direct quotes

  2. rivardlt April 20, 2016 at 7:41 am

    Great story! But I would try to provide further information that wasn’t just what they were saying.

  3. Anna Blasy April 22, 2016 at 7:45 am

    Overall, this is a good story but i would add some direct quotes and use transitions at the beginning of the sentences to make it flow.

  4. Delaney April 22, 2016 at 7:55 am

    Good ideas but I would’ve added some people who play more popular sports like volleyball and basketball because there were freshmen on those teams for girls. Also there was a freshman on cheer

  5. brandstadtsl April 25, 2016 at 8:19 am

    Great story idea! I do know that there were a lot more than 10 Freshmen on varsity sports this year. I would also add some direct quotes from the students.


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