Homecoming 4v4 volleyball game set for Sept. 30

The Homecoming 4v4 volleyball game will occur on Sept. 30, at 6:30 pm in the Gold Gym. The winning team of this tournament will receive free Homecoming tickets. This event is free to watch or play. To sign up to play, students can use the link sent to their email from Student Leadership adviser Chelsea Berg. Students will be able to sign up until the day of the event.

Junior Kiera Hillman, a Student Leadership 3 member, said Student Leadership wanted to host a volleyball game because they felt it would be a better opportunity for both boys and girls to participate.

“I think it’s really fun that they get a new opportunity to be able to play volleyball and bring everyone in the school together,” Hillman said. 

Each game will be played to 15 points in a bracket style. 

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Lindsay Hofmeister

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