Charger choir program goes to Festival

On Monday, Mar. 2, the DHS choir programs went to festival. Chorus, Chamber Singers, and Men’s Honors Choir all competed and were given a score out of a total of 120 points. Chamber Singers earned a perfect score of 120 out of 120, Men’s Honors Choir received a 117 out of 120, and Chorus earned 115 out of 120 points. Festival day begins bright and early for choir students and lasts all day. 

“We usually get there early so we can watch the other choirs before we perform,” sophomore and member of Chamber Singers Veronica Klein said.  “Then we go backstage, and we have half an hour to warm up, get ready to go, and then go on stage and perform for 15 minutes. We do two songs, then the judge comes up to the stage and critiques us. Then we go back and do sight reading for half an hour. Then we go back and usually watch more choirs afterwards.”

Klein enjoys festival because of the opportunities it provides for choir programs. 

“My favorite part of festival is going and being able to watch all the choirs perform, and also just  having a trip for the choir to get more connected with everyone else in the choir,” Klein said. 

Molly Birch

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