Senior year stress

With the reputation that the last year of high school is easy and carefree, most seniors are ready to breeze through. The reality of senior year is not always as expected. Constant sport practices and games, college applications, last minute ACT and SAT testing, AP and IB classes all pile up very fast. 

“I think a lot of people believe that junior year is harder in terms of schooling wise,” senior Liam McLeod said. “But it seems like senior year is a lot harder just because there’s a lot coming at you constantly.” 

For some students, taking multiple challenging classes can become difficult. The AP and IB classes work load adds up fast. Notes, homework, studying and tests, there always seems to be something that can be done. 

“I guess it really depends on the classes that you take because I’m taking all AP classes, and it adds up to be a lot,” senior Mahum Hakim said. 

With the IB diploma work load, it can add up to a larger work load. The diploma can take a lot of extra time and effort. 

“My two hardest classes are my IB classes, 20th Century and IB World Lit 2,” senior Ben Vercellino said. “With that I also have my college applications.”

Many students around this time of year are worried about college applications as well. With early admission due in the fall, there always seems to be something that is going on.

“Lots of people think senior year is easy breezy, but it’s really not because college apps are really stressful,”  Hakim said. “I’m done with my early admission applications, but I still have some general admissions to finish up.”

On top of all of the school work, most students are involved in extracurricular activities. Band, clubs and sports are constantly  on students’ minds. 

“Senior year is when everything’s all together,” McLeod said. “ With marching band going on with Refair auditions and musical auditions. Everything bulks up together and it feels like I’m going to run out of time to do it all.”

Emily Danielsen

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