The German Club had never seen this large of a turn out before. Herr Smith’s room was filled to the brim with students who were eager to learn about German culture, make new friends, and just eat. Around 38 students attended and these kind of numbers can be explained by club president, junior Molly Birch, going to every single German class to promote the club. This meeting took place on September 10th in Herr Smith’s room, room 377.
This meeting was primarily to discuss plans for creating the homecoming parade banner. The German club was tasked with coming up with a banner that fits under the “Road Trip” theme for homecoming. Students were suggesting German cities everywhere from Munich to Berlin. The club, however, received news that the city has to be inside the U.S. so they settled on Frankenmuth for its German heritage.
This year the new leader had some big plans for the club.
“I’m enthused about the club because the president this year, Molly Birch, is really motivated and has talked with me ever since last year about the ideas that she has,” German teacher Brian Smith said about Birch.
If students want to check out German Club, meetings are the second and fourth Tuesday of every month.
Club president, junior Molly Birch brainstorms ideas for the homecoming banner for the parade. Birch was very interactive with her questioning process, asking the club members to participate.“So we just kind of brainstormed for a minute, we said, okay, these are popular German cities, what things from these cities could we paint on the banner? And we had a bunch of different options like Berlin and Munich,” Birch said. German club members fill the classroom to celebrate German culture. The meeting was held to discuss future plans of the club. Birch was very glad to see this type of turn out. “We have probably like six times the people that we did last year, we had about 40 people come to the meeting. And last year, we’d have probably six at every meeting. So that’s already a huge change. We have more people that are willing to be involved and that means we can do more things.” Freshman Amanda Jendretzke proposes an idea for the German Club homecoming banner theme. While Birch asked for themes, Jendretzke had some city names that she just had to share. “There were a lot of ideas that I had so it could have been something [to do] with München or there’s one that I had for Berlin,” Jendretzke said.“There’s one that I had for Salzburg.”Interview with Herr SmithInterview with Molly Birch