Festival has ended for all of the music programs at DHS. There are two parts of festival: first, the groups perform rehearsed pieces, and second, they sight read. Sight reading is when the groups are handed a new piece of music that after a few minutes to familiarize themselves they then perform the piece.
The Green Concert Band received an overall division one rating. Gold Concert Band, which is in a different classification, also got an overall division one rating. Green Band, Gold Band, and Symphonic Band all got division one ratings for their sight reading.
Symphonic Orchestra also was given an overall division one rating, and Concert Orchestra received an overall division two rating. Both orchestras also earned division one rating for sight reading.
Chamber Singers and Chorus were given division one ratings. Both choirs earned an overall division one rating. Chambers Choir will go to states on May 9 at CMU.
By: Brandon Norris