Mayhem in Missouri

Riots are not usually an activity that would be closely associated with the seemingly quiet town of Ferguson, Missouri. Although, in light of recent events the town has been given infamy internationally.

On Aug. 9 a young man, Michael Brown was shot dead by local Ferguson police officer, Darren Wilson. Over the months that passed, many violent riots have ensued a state of unrest upon the town.

The bases of much of the argument revolves around the idea that Browns death was supposedly a hate crime. This may be attributed to the fact that most of the area surrounding Ferguson is of African American decent. In support of this idea, many are saying that the jury was of a biased nature being as it was made up of nine white people and three black people. In opposition to this argument, American citizens make the point that Brown charged Wilson in a violent and threatening manner.

With 70 hours of eye witness accounts issued to the Grand Jury from 60 people over the course of three months, Wilson was eventually found innocent, however this only angered citizens more. Chief of the St Louis County police, Jon Belmar, issued a statement saying that unless a further 10,00 officers came to their assistance, efforts to stop were futile. “I don’t think we can prevent folks who really are intent on destroying a community,” said Belmar.


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By Claudia Radburn

Claudia Radburn

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