Men’s Scarves: A trend left in the cold

As the colder months approach, fashion adjusts as everyone bundles up to keep warm. Students layer up with hats, coats, and sometimes even scarves to stay toasty. Among these items, the scarf brings up questioning between genders about whether or not it is acceptable for males to wear a scarf, as it is often seen as a female accessory.

Though often up-to-date on the latest trends in fashion and a style icon for the male staff at DHS, English teacher Brent Chambers thinks the sporting of a scarf is not something he approves.

“I think it’s risky,” Chambers said.

He believes that although a scarf can be worn as outerwear, he doesn’t see an accessory scarf as fashionable for the male gender. Chambers has often brought this issue up within his classes, inspiring friendly debate among his students.

“The consensus among my female students is that men can wear a scarf if it is made by a company by that produces coats,” Chambers said. “However, a solo scarf is dangerous.”

Chambers knows that some people within the male population can pull off this style trend, but according to him most of men aren’t among them.

“Brad Pitt looked awesome in World War Z, but the downfall is that not all men look like Brad Pitt,” Chambers said.

To get your own stylish scarf for outwear purposes, look here.

Jordan Reid

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