Board believes in Ellinger

Each year the MPS School Board evaluates the job performance of their superintendent. The board collaborates in an overall written statement regarding how well they think the person is handling their responsibilites. At the Dec. 12 Board Meeting, board president Ken Mault read the performance on Carl Ellinger.

The overall performance of Ellinger was a positive one. Excerpts from the letter show that all the board members trust him and his integrity.

“Integrity, respect, care, concern, trust are very important to Carl. He displays these characteristics all periods to all people,” the report read.

The statement also expressed thanks to Ellinger for the work he did to help the middle schools sports programs. Members from the board gave praise for his business savvy ways in the following excerpt.

“Great grasp of cost, revenues, and spending for priorities of the board and the community,” Mault said.

Board members believe that Ellinger is dedicated to the job and always tries to do as much as he can.

“The countless boards and committees you serve on are endless and you’ve become the face of Midland Public Schools,” Mault read from the report.  “You have an outstanding relationship with the leaders of peace foundations, corporate leaders, and meet with them regularly to frequently.”

The review also showed the board’s gratitude towards Ellinger for working hard to make sure students at MPS are receiving the best education possible even when legislators change laws that could affect public education.

“When it comes from what is best for students and how actions for Lansing impact students in the classroom, you’re the first to respond and give action to the board on how it might impact our students,” Mault read from the report. “In doing so you are not quick to point fingers, but offer critical critique of the best information available. Your close relationship with our legislators, giving, respective voice to advocate what is best for our district.”

When the president of the MPS board of education Ken Mault finished reading the statement the board wrote, there was a motion to extend Ellinger’s contract. The extension would make the contract roll over another year, making it expire June 30, 2017 instead of 2016. The contract also included that his unused vacation days for the 2011-2012 school year to be rolled over as well because the board believed he deserves more time off for all the sacrifices and hard work he has done this year.  There is no additional cost to the district that they wouldn’t be expecting in the future. When it came to a vote, it was a unanimous decision to the terms.

Max Volk

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