Commercial Art and Senior English make animations for third grade buddies

Yesterday, May 27, Sarah Hechlik’s third hour Senior English class and Carol Lewin’s Commercial Art class hosted a party for third grade students of Carpenter Elementary school. The classes banded together to write and animate stories for the children to watch, then enjoyed pizza, cookies, and coloring afterward.

Commercial Art teacher Ms. Lewin noticed some of the third graders got impatient with sitting through the videos.

“After a while the kids got a little bored,” Lewin said. “Maybe we should have had the kids just sit with their animators at their desk and show them the videos next time.”

However, the seniors saw the videos come together well and enjoyed seeing the smiles on the kids’ faces paid off in the end.

“There was a lot of stress making the animations,” senior and Commercial Art student Sophia Horny said. “A lot of sleepless nights, but in the end, watching everyone, the children and adults as well as fellow classmates, laugh and really enjoy the videos makes it all worth it!”

For more information on how the Commercial Arts class made animations, check out Adobe Flash.

By Maddie Davis

Maddie Davis

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