E-Sports Club creates opportunities at DHS

New clubs are rapidly popping up across DHS, such as the E-Sports Club. This club gives students a chance to game competitively against other schools in the area, as well as find and talk to people with their same interests. As a part of this club, members can pick the game that they want to participate in and join the corresponding team. The individual teams attend their own meetings throughout the week, and the leaders attend mandatory meetings on Fridays to share their progress. In the future, founder Mingi Jo hopes the club will expand. 

“I want to make the club really big, so that we can get sponsored and have bigger facilities to practice,” Jo said. 

Anyone who is interested in gaming and competing can and should join the E-Sports Club, and Jo stressed that it’s never too late to join. 

For more information on E-Sports, visit: https://www.cnn.com/2018/08/27/us/esports-what-is-video-game-professional-league-madden-trnd/index.html

Chloe Stafford

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